Сочинения по английскому языку:
Catherine II 'the Great'
Catherine II 'the Great', Empress of Russia (1729-1796), is
referred to as an 'enlightened monarch'. She shaped the Russian
destiny to a greater extent than almost anyone before or since, with
the exception of Peter the Great.
A German Princess, born Sophie Augusta Fredericka, she married
Peter III of Russia and changed her name to 'Catherine' when she
accepted the Russian Orthodox faith. The marriage was unsuccessful
due to Peter Ill's mental immaturity. Soon Catherine became popular
with several powerful political groups. She corresponded with many
of the great minds of her era, including Voltaire and Diderot.
Peter's eccentricities and policies alienated many. He was made to
abdicate and was killed by Alexei Orlov in 1762. Catherine became
the Empress of Russia.
In 1785 Catherine issued a charter that freed the nobles from
state service and taxes, made noble status hereditary, and gave the
nobles full control over their serfs and lands. Catherine proceeded
to 'westernize' Russia. After a peasant revolt in 1773 led by
Yemelyan Pugachev, Catherine instituted several drastic reforms.
First, she encouraged the modernization of agriculture and industry.
Second, she supported foreign investment in economically
underdeveloped areas. Third, Catherine encouraged education for the
nobles and middle class. She gave equal rights to Muslims in Russia,
including the right to build mosques.
Catherine made Russia the dominant power in the Middle East after
her first Russo-Turkish War against the Ottoman Empire (1768— 1774).
She annexed the Crimea in 1783. All told, she added some 518,000
square km to Russian territory. She also encouraged the colonization
of Alaska and of conquered areas.
Catherine subscribed to the Enlightenment and considered herself
a 'philosopher on the throne.' She became known as a patron of the
arts, literature and education. The Hermitage Museum was begun as
Catherine's personal collection. She founded the famous Smolny
Institute for noble young ladies. Gavrila Derzhavin and other
writers of her epoch, supported by Catherine, laid the foundation
for the great writers of the nineteenth century. However, her reign
was also marked by censorship. When Radishchev published his Journey
from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 1790, Catherine had him exiled to
Siberia. Catherine died on November 5, 1796, and was buried at the
St. Peter and St. Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg.
Перевод текста: Catherine II 'the Great'
1. Екатерина II Великая была немецкой принцессой, которая вышла
замуж за Петра III, приняла православную веру и стала императрицей.
2. Она переписывалась со многими великими умами своей эпохи и была
сторонницей просвещения.
3. Она издала указ, по которому дворянство освобождалось от
государственной службы и налогов, сделала дворянское звание
наследственным и дала дворянству полную власть над крепостными
крестьянами и землей.
4. Она продолжала «вестернизацию» России и провела коренные реформы,
направленные на модернизацию экономики, а также поддерживала
иностранные капиталовложения в слаборазвитые районы России.
5. Она также поощряла образование дворянства и среднего класса и
дала мусульманам в России равные права.
6. Екатерина сделала Россию ведущей державой на Ближнем Востоке,
аннексировала Крым и поощряла колонизацию Аляски и завоеванных
7. Она стала покровительницей искусств, основала Эрмитаж и Смольный
институт благородных девиц.
8. Ее правление ознаменовалось также цензурой, она сослала Радищева
в Сибирь.
1. Catherine II 'the Great' was a German Princess who married Peter
III, accepted Orthodox faith and became the Empress of Russia.
2. She corresponded with many great minds of her era and subscribed
to the Enlightenment.
3. She issued a charter that freed the nobles from state service and
taxes, made noble status hereditary, and gave the nobles full
control over their serfs and lands.
4. She proceeded to 'westernize' Russia and instituted drastic
reforms which encouraged the modernization of economy and supported
foreign investment in underdeveloped areas of Russia.
5. She also encouraged education for the nobles and the middle class
and gave equal rights to Muslims in Russia.
6. Catherine made Russia the dominant power in the Middle East,
annexed the Crimea and encouraged the colonization of Alaska and of
the conquered areas.
7. She became the patron of arts, founded the Hermitage museum and
the Smolny Institute for noble young ladies.
8. Her reign was also marked by censorship, she had Radishev exiled
to Siberia.